Queensland health workers with COVID-19 but no symptoms may need to work due to staffing crisis

Queensland health workers with COVID-19 but no symptoms may need to work due to staffing crisis

Asymptomatic Queensland wellbeing laborers with COVID-19 might be approached to really focus on patients with the infection in emergency clinics, under a super everyone ready and available procedure being considered by wellbeing specialists, as the Omicron variation keeps on fanning out like quickly through the local area.

 Boss Health Officer John Gerrard affirmed yesterday the thought was being talked about as a feature of emergency courses of action to reinforce the wellbeing labor force as expanding quantities of patients with COVID-19 require medical clinic affirmation and sometimes, serious consideration.

He said 313 patients were being treated in Queensland Health medical clinics yesterday for COVID-19, yet that was relied upon to expand to huge number of cases before long.

Dr Gerrard said 1,156 Queensland Health staff were presently tainted with SARS-CoV-2 — the infection that causes COVID-19 — and 1,835 were in isolation.

Those numbers are additionally expected to climb.

He said explicit standards administering fundamental specialists would be delivered soon yet foreshadowed a shortening of the necessary seven-day separation period for close contacts as the Omicron wave arrived at its pinnacle, expected by early February.

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